About Us

The Plant Conservation Alliance (PCA) is a public-private partnership of organizations that share the same goal: to protect native plants by ensuring that native plant populations and their communities are maintained, enhanced, and restored.

About PCA Non-Federal Cooperators:

PCA Non-Federal Cooperators include state agencies and private organizations interested in native plant conservation in the United States. Cooperators are part of the Non-Federal Cooperator Committee, and are invited to attend meetings of the PCA's Federal Committee as observers, participate in informal open forums with the PCA Federal Committee, and participate in PCA Working Groups. Cooperators also receive regular communications that allow them to participate Non-Federal Cooperator Committee outreach and education efforts to raise awareness about the importance of native plant conservation (see below for details).

About the PCA Non-Federal Cooperator Committee:

The PCA Non-Federal Cooperator Committee (NFC Committee, formerly known as the NGO Committee*) partners with the PCA Federal Committee and others to advance plant conservation, promote native plant community restoration, and conduct plant conservation research. It represents the interests and ideas of Cooperator organizations and agencies, including botanic gardens, universities, educational groups, state agencies, businesses, professional societies, trade associations, native plant societies, and garden clubs. This Committee is chaired by the Chicago Botanic Garden.

About the NFC Committee's outreach and education efforts:

The NFC Committee works to advance plant conservation, native plant community restoration, and plant conservation research at local, state, and national levels.  All Cooperators are invited to participate in these efforts, which will be communicated to all registered individuals and organizations as opportunities arise.

About PCA:

The Plant Conservation Alliance (PCA) is a collaborative partnership among 17 U.S. Federal Agency Members (the Federal Committee) and more than 400 Non-Federal Cooperators (the Non-Federal Cooperators Committee). PCA Members and Cooperators work collaboratively to solve the problems of native plant conservation and native habitat restoration, ensuring the sustainability of ecosystems in the United States. The depth and strength of PCA is in the scientific expertise, networking, and the ability to pool resources to protect, conserve, and restore our national plant heritage for generations to come.  Find out if your organization or agency is a part of the PCA.

In 1995, PCA developed the National Framework for Progress in Plant Conservation. This Framework is intended to provide a coordinated approach to plant conservation in the United States. The National Framework consists of six broad strategies, and outlines supporting goals and actions to guide efforts for implementing a national plant conservation strategy at national, regional, and local levels. 

To facilitate communication among the plant conservation community, PCA maintains an active listserv: click here to join the PCA native-plants listserv.

*The PCA Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Committee was recently renamed to the PCA Non-Federal Cooperator (NFC) Committee to better reflect the diverse group of Cooperators that are now a part of it.

Visit the Plant Conservation Alliance website for more information and resources.